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Guru Rinpoche prayer (Barche Lam sel)

15 recitations performed daily

In this prayer to Guru Rinpoche, we request his help in removing all obstacles, so that favorable conditions can manifest. With this practice we are able to remove our obstacles, and benefit those who have asked for our help and made offerings with this purpose. It not only helps to remove obstacles to our own activities, but by dedicating for others,  we can extend the benefit to all sentient beings.

Golden Light Sutra

Performed once every month

The holy Golden Light Sutra is the King of the sutras. It is extremely powerful and fulfills all one’s wishes, as well as bringing peace and happiness for all sentient beings, up to enlightenment. It is also extremely powerful for world peace, for your own protection, and for the protection of the country and the world. It has great healing power for people in the country. If  you recite the Sutra of Golden Light, you will have good health, energy and power. All material needs will be satisfied. One will be listened to and respected by others. Whenever a question arises, the guru will answer. One will purify eons of negative karma, meet perfect teachers, develop realizations and definitely benefit others.

The text of this prayer is available from the. FPMT education department.

Recitation of HearT Sutra (short Prajnaparamita)

One Recitation Performed Daily

The Heart Sutra is one of the most profound teachings in the Buddhist Dharma. The topic of this sutra is the teaching of Shakyamuni Buddha on Emptiness. Reciting the Heart Sutra brings many benefits. One of them is a better understanding of the nature of our mind, the wisdom realizing emptiness; reciting it creates merit and brings us closer to achieve this wisdom.

Incense Puja

Performed once every month

When offering incense to the deities, we request them to purify obscurations and inner pollutions and also to increase good fortune and merit. This particular practice was composed by Lama Zopa Rinpoche who mentions that this practice is appropriate  for healing of various types of illness such as arthritis and so forth, and for success in worldy activities.

The text of this puja can be downloaded from the FPMT Shop Prayer sections