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We need your help to care for them

Kopan Monastery is committed to take complete care of the needs of the monks and nuns living and studying here. We are making every effort to maintain the highest standard of monastic and educational training according to the teaching of our founder, Shakyamuni Buddha. To achieve this, and to fulfill our commitment, we need your help. 

Giving generously to a worthy cause like this, with a good heart and pure motivation does not only help the monks and nuns, but also gives you the satisfaction of knowing that you are contributing to the survival of the religious and cultural tradition of Tibet.

When Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche established Kopan Monastery in the early 1970s, it was their wish that the nuns and monks should be totally taken care of in order to allow them the freedom to concentrate on their Dharma education. Both Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche have always encouraged local children and young people to take ordination. To live in the vows just for one year, one week, one day is considered very beneficial. Providing a secure and supportive environment for these young people to follow the teachings of the Buddha makes the work of Kopan Monastery extremely worthwhile.

Sponsoring a monk or nun

Your sponsorship is a commitment to take care of the living cost of a monk or nun for an extended period of time. It will enable a monk or nun to live and study at Kopan Monastery for the rest of their lives. At the same time you support the continued study and practice of the teachings of the Buddha.

It takes only 40 US$ per month,  (480 US$ per year) to provide a monk or nun with all necessities of daily life – food, clothing, medical care.

If a full sponsorship is not within your budget, you can also partially sponsor a monk or nun for 20 US$ per month (240 US$ per year.)

The sponsorship contribution helps the monastery to take care of all monks and nuns equally, and is not directed at a particular monk or nun. In this way the benefits of your generosity will continue as long as the monastery exists, and you are helping the whole community of monks and nuns, a whole new family. Kopan does not support the sponsorship of an individual monk or nun – all residents of the monastery and nunnery should benefit from your generosity. You name and contact details will be added to our e-newsletter and to our mailing list. Once a year Kopan offers a special puja for all benefactors and sponsors of the monastery, and your name will be also added to this dedication. 

These are the types of sponsorship to choose from
  • A part sponsorship of the living cost for one monk or nun at US$ 20 a month
  • A full sponsorship of the living cost for one monk or nun at US$ 40 a month
These are the types of sponsorship to choose from
  • A part sponsorship of the living cost for one monk or nun at US$ 20 a month
  • A full sponsorship of the living cost for one monk or nun at US$ 40 a month
Making payment for your sponsorship:

You can also set up a monthly deduction directly on the donation form  that pops up when you click on the donate button. This is not only more convenient for you; it also helps the monastery with the long term planning. You can make payment on a yearly basis and pay the full sponsorship amount in one go.

If it is not possible for you to sponsor a monk or nun at this time, consider making a one off donation to the  Food Fund ,  Education Fund or Medical Fund.

We will confirm all sponsorships and donations by mail. You will also receive the occasional e-newsletter from the Monastery. Our blog will provide you with regular updates on activities. 


Please note: Below you have the option to sponsor a monk or a nun. The donations for the nuns will go into a separate fund which supports the nuns in the Khachoe Ghakyil Ling Nunnery.

Every day, all of us make sincere prayers for your long and healthy life and success of all your activities